Saturday, July 13, 2013

July in P-town...

It was an absolutely gorgeous day in Portland. I enjoyed every minute of it.



Ridwan said...

These are absolutely lovely K.

What a beautiful garden. Your folks should charge admission :0)

Our garden is in the grip of winter - even the cacti look to just about had enough.

The Guru stood on the front lawn before leaving yesterday and said in a dead pan face: "I can't believe you thought you could grow grass in the desert."

To which I replied "Aaaah so decrepit grasshopper all things are possible with a little manure on the side."



Kimberly said...

Thank you R. It is easy to take nice shots when the subject is beautiful.

My Mom made a video of the garden which shows it all, I would love for you to see.They have worked very hard for 30 years to make it so.

Ah the Guru dispensing wisdom in his wake. I thought he was of the theory all is possible?! No Guru? All may not be possible but we sure can try and a little shit can always help! ;o)
