Saturday, March 30, 2013

Spring has sprung...

It is after 9pm on March 30th and I have the doors open.
68 degrees in Portland. Wow, it is spring.

I also had my first BBQ. Yummy and a beautiful night.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality Now!

I have been sick for the last week but I have been paying attention to the current arguement infront of the Supreme Court. I saw this on Facebook and thought it put many of the arguements in their place.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Little Man

I so enjoyed sharing my dinner with this cute boy. Wow what a doll, he charmed me!


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tao Te Ching

Was written by a Chinese man in 551 bce, this is a book of proverbs predating Confucius.

If you oversteem great men,
people become powerless.
If you overvalue possessions,
people begin to stell.

The Master leads
by emptying people's minds
and filling their cores,
by weakening their ambition
and toughening their resolve.
He helps people lose everything
they know, everything they desire,
and creates confusion
in those who think that they know.

Practice not-doing
and everything will fall into place.


Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Lucinda Williams - Righteously

This is a realy tender song about love and respect.

The lyrics, her voice and the guitar make the song so sweet.


Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Rilke's Lessons

I have been reading a lot of Rilke lately. I had forgotten how much I love poetry. I want to share some of my new favorites. I was first introduced to Rilke in a speech class, with his book Letters to a Young Poet, I had to write a speech based on one of the letters. This was one of my most difficult and rewarding assignments I did during my college career.

Let Life Happen to You

What should I say about your tendency to doubt your struggle or to harmonize your inner and outer life? My wish is ever strong that you find enough patience within you and enough simplicity to have faith. May you gain more and more trust in what is challenging, and confidence in the solitude you bear. Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right in any case.

Furnborg, Jonsered, Sweden, November 4, 1904
Letters to a Young Poet
Rainer Maria Rilke

Sun oh Sun...

The sun came out the last two days. Here are two shadows...


Sunday, March 3, 2013


Season opener! Great Game!


Movers and well, just movers

New house mate moved in yesterday and the movers were serious, they backed that shit right on up.
I had to hollar at them to leave room so I could get out the yard. Geez!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dinner with Poppi

Went to a good friends new restaurant. Redwood

I had a yummy Pot Roast and my Poppi had the Trout.

Here's a Beer for you Roland

Pot Roast
